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Here’s the perfect age to get married, according to science

Here’s the perfect age to get married, according to science

Science is here to save the day… or at least help you make some crucial life decisions.

Tying the knot is a big step and timing seems to be one of the people’s biggest concerns.

I mean, have you ever encountered one of those desperate girls who are out-husband-hunting just because the clock is ticking? It happens.

And before you get all judgy, can you really blame them? Women are constantly told that their eggs have an expiration date and that all the “good” men will be gone if they wait too long to find one.

Here is the perfect age to get married, according to science.

Working together to find the best age to get married, math and science have come up with the “37 percent” rule. According to this algorithm, the best age to walk down the aisle is 26.

There you have it. Now, you no longer have to fumble around wondering if it’s now or never. Getting hitched at 26 is apparently ideal.