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NEW MUSIC: OBIBINI – Ahye Me Ft. KiDi (Prod. By KiDi)(Mixed By PossiGee)

NEW MUSIC: OBIBINI – Ahye Me Ft. KiDi (Prod. By KiDi)(Mixed By PossiGee)

Zylofon Music rapper OBIBINI  has finally unveiled the long awaited bomb shell christened ‘Ahye Me’.  The artistic rapper featured Lynx Entertainment’s KiDi on this jam produced by KiDi himself  and mixed by Posigee. OBIBINI takes a new trend from his usual ‘Hard Core’ rap style and  this time around gives a touch of a new musical condiment to what his is known for. Ahye Me  which loosely translates in English as  ‘ I’m Hurt’ is a description of how someone got betrayed by his lover.  The two acts delivered implausibly on this one and I strongly believe this masterpiece will take the vibrant rapper to places. Enjoy and share the jam.Somebody needs to hear this too.