I Will Put My Enemies to Shame : The President to Critics

The President


The President of the republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has taken swípes back at his critics in Kumasi and its environs.

The president says people who go about unfurling fabrications about his government are nothing but mere distractors .

The President

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He reiterated that, it cannot be accepted that his government has not really performed well for the people in the region because there is enough  evidence to prove that the Ashanti Region has benefitted in terms of development from the Akufo-Addo administration.

The President claims such people are his enemies and will put to shame soon.

“For those who speak ill about me; I will put you to shame today, tomorrow and the day after”, he said.

The President passed  these comments  during the sod-cutting ceremony of the Suame Interchange in Kumasi.

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According to Nana Akufo-Addo, although there are current challenges in the country, he is positive of a turnaround.


“In spite of our present difficulties which I know will be gone as soon as possible, I continue to be excited about the future prospects of the nation and I urge all Ghanaians to join hands in building the Ghana that we want, we can realize it if we all work at it.

The President  took the opportunity to outline past and present road projects the government has undertaken in the Ashanti Region.

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“Apart from this project, Government is tackling critical road projects throughout the country in a holistic manner, so that every part of Ghana shall have quality, all-weather roads. In the Ashanti Region alone, the Akufo-Addo Government has completed asphalt overlay of 295kms of roads since 2017.”

“Some of the beneficiary areas include Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, that is in Subin Nhyiaeso and Bantama, Asokwa, Oforikrom, Kwadaso, Suame, Old Tafo, Asokore Mampong, Bekwai, Obuasi, Ejisu, Juaben, Sekyere East (Effiduase), Asante



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