Agyinasare Given 14 Days to Appear Before Nogokpo Traditional Council


Spokesperson of the Nogokpo Traditional Council, Nufialaga Mawufemor Korbla Nonyigbey, says the Council needs an apology from Archbishop Charles Agyinasare, the General Oversee of Perez Chapel International, and not a justification of his comments.

In order to resolve the issue peacefully within the 14-day deadline, he has therefore invited the Archbishop to come and meet with the Council or face the repercussions of failing to do so.


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On Tuesday, Mr. Nonyigbey made this statement during an interview with Eyewitness News on Citi FM.

“What he did was not an apology, but a justification. We want a proper apology, and for that to happen, he needs to meet with the chiefs of the town. When you offend your elders, you go and apologise to them, but not just come and justify yourself. We want respect,” he stated.

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Mr. Nonyigbey emphasized that Archbishop Agyinasare’s remarks were disparaging and that Nogokpo is a tranquil place with kind people.

When someone makes an allegation, and it is not clarified, that allegation may end up destroying your future,” he added.

According to a spokeswoman for the Nogokpo Traditional Council, Being a part of a certain cultural space does not make one evil

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