Funny Face Cries – I haven’t seen my daughters in 4 years because I’m broke

funny face

Actor and comedian Funny Face is pleading with Ghanaians to desist from badmouthing him or destroying his image to companies willing to work with him.

The comedian admitted to having made some terrible mistakes in life, for which he is bearing the cost, but he is actively trying to secure ambassadorial deals to improve his finances.

Funny Face explained that for four years, he has not been able to see his children, who currently live with their mum, because of his financial challenges.

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The comedian said he was working hard to earn money noting that he has no one to turn to after being “ungrateful’ to people who held him up.

“Charley man made some bad choices, and it has cost me. If you won’t help me, please just don’t destroy me to other companies who want to use me for ambassadorial deals. So I can gradually gather some money small small to go see my daughters. It’s not that I don’t want to see them, but Charlie, I’m broke. My everything spoil [sic].”

Funny Face stated that he would like to pick himself up using his efforts and talents to improve his situation.

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“Please stop destroying me to companies !!! WE LIVE WE LEARN !!  A situation that has caused me everything !! My hope is built on the LORD… and I know HE will come through for me…so allow me, so I can hustle and gather money small to go see my daughters…as for baby Kimberlyn she turned 3 years on the 24th  NOVEMBER…she has never seen me before !! Hmmm life [sic],” he wrote.

Funny Face urged the youth to see him as an example and never turn their back on people who help them in life as a result of one pressure or another.

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