I am a Wizard, I Cast Out Demons Using the Holy Spirit, Not JESUS- Osofo Kyiri Abosom

Osofo KyiriAbosom

Osofo Kyiri Abosom , a preacher and spiritualist, has stated on numerous occasions that he does not accept either the Bible or Jesus Christ as the name for driving out demons.

In a recent interview with Deloris Frimpong Manso on the Delay show, Osofo Kyiri abosom made one of his contentious statements in which he justified his justification for not believing in the Bible.

Osofo KyiriAbosom

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He emphasized that even though Jesus Christ is the son of God, he is only a prophet, and he counseled other prophets to rely on the holy spirit that resides inside them rather than the Bible.

He claims that since Jesus Christ completed his work on earth, there is no need to continue invoking his name. Instead, he casts out demons using the power bestowed upon him by the Holy Spirit.

“I believe he is a prophet. I believe Mohammed is a prophet. They’re done with their work and are gone. It’s our time now. I am in Ghana. Jesus didn’t come to Ghana. He was in Israel ” he said.

The founder and head of Life Assembly Worship Center, which has locations all throughout the country, claimed that he teaches his audience that neither heaven nor hell exist as distinct places for the good and the bad. But he tells them that everyone will face rewards and penalties here on earth.

There’s no Heaven, there’s no hell. It doesn’t mean be evil because you’ll reap what you sow. If you do evil, you’ll suffer before you die,” he added.

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